Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 2, Year : 2024
Article Page : 61-65
Introduction: Pranic Healing (PH) is an ancient energy healing method focusing on the body's energy fields. The study explores its potential positive impact on the well-being of medical students. Existing research supports the transformative effects of PH on molecular structures and overall well-being. Spiritual well-being has been linked to mental health, and the study aims to evaluate the connection between Basic Pranic Healing workshops and students' mental health in a stressful medical school environment.
This retrospective observational pilot study recruited 50 medical students through purposive sampling. Participants from Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical College, Delhi, India, completed pre and post-workshop questionnaires, assessing knowledge, attitude, interest, motivation, and impact on well-being. Data were analyzed using SPSS, employing descriptive statistics and relevant tests.
Results: 45 interested students participated, with a mean age of 20.78±2.09, 68.8% female. Significant improvements were observed in pre and post-workshop scores for knowledge (p = 0.00), interest (p = 0.00), and confidence (p = 0.00). Beliefs shifted positively with a final favorable perception . Participants reported a positive impact on various life domains with 56% practicing learned techniques weekly. Efficacy in healing (73.4%) and self-healing (84.4%) was notable
Conclusion: The Basic Pranic Healing workshop effectively enhanced participants' knowledge, interest, confidence, beliefs, and overall perceptions. Positive impacts on various life domains and high success rates in healing demonstrate the practical relevance of Pranic Healing in promoting well-being. Findings support the integration of holistic healing practices in healthcare training and personal development programs.
Keywords: Pranic Healing (PH), Likert scale, Fibromyalgia symptoms
How to cite : Renjhen P, Kumar P, Abhishek K, Jha R P, Students perceptions & motivation for ‘Basic Pranic Healing workshop’ and its impact on the well-being of medical students. J Prev Med Holist Health 2024;10(2):61-65
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Received : 25-05-2024
Accepted : 06-06-2024
Viewed: 525
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